Virginia governor race dominate ad wars
Virginia governor race dominate ad wars

virginia governor race dominate ad wars

It proved the right dog-whistle in the right place at the right time. But it is a masterclass in how perception is reality Tara Setmayer We will not be a commonwealth of dream-stealers.” Most people don’t know what critical race theory is. He told supporters: “What we don’t do is teach our children to view everything through a lens of race, where we divide them into buckets – one group’s an oppressor and another group’s a victim – and we pit them against each other and we steal their dreams. Youngkin turned the manufactured controversy into a seductive argument, even citing civil rights leader Martin Luther King on the stump. They don’t want any discussion about the accuracy and the truthfulness of our racial histories to be taught to children.” “Those who are making a lot of noise about critical race theory have no interest in learning what it’s really about because it’s not their focal point, just a nice encapsulation as a reference point of everything they don’t like. “It is a way censor to gag and suppress any kind of reconsideration of our status quo. “It is a very convenient soundbite for encapsulating everything about the reckoning after George Floyd’s death and the Black Lives Matter movement,” said Tanya Hernández, a law professor at Fordham University in New York. In such hands, CRT became a catch-all for any teaching about race and American history. Moral panic over CRT has been fuelled for more than a year by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and other rightwing media, an apparent backlash to racial justice protests that followed the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis last year. It mattered little that CRT, an academic discipline that examines the ways in which racism operates in US laws and society, is not taught in Virginia’s schools. The businessman turned politician promised to ban critical race theory (CRT) from Virginia’s schools on his first day in office. Youngkin showed the way by deploying a formidable new weapon to which Democrats had no answer: a racist culture war fought over children. The Republican party was back in business, ready to take on a weakened president whose party is racked by infighting. Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, was celebrating a stunning victory in the race for governor of Virginia. The president, a Democrat, was returning from G20 and Cop26 summits in Europe. The cable news split screen took place just after 1am on Wednesday.

Virginia governor race dominate ad wars